
Well said Jack. Yes, every energy use has an environmental impact, so limiting that impact should be part of the process - as it so often isn't today.

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Thanks Dave. It's the conversation we need to bring out into the open. A promise of ever-increasing energy use is ultimately a very destructive one.

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I 100% agree with both the critical need to use less, and to combat the misinformation promoted by an entire system designed to use more. I just wonder how? Leaning into UBI, UBS, eradicating planned obselence etc are obviously the need, but 'phew' how ... in world where everyone is maintained as mindless, consuming, numbnuts? Just a quick glance at the trending subjects on most social channels tells us we are doomed. I am not sure what I am asking here. Perhaps it more just expressing frustration that the sanity of your message isn't widely seen.

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Mindless, consuming, numbnuts are fashionable now. I understand exactly what you are saying or asking. It's the obvious. Degrowth is the solution and is guaranteed to occur. If not by human intervention then by nature. Most likely by nature.

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So, so true, Toma

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yes, JEvon's paradox is real and highly relevant to our energy and material use. Another point to make is that the only green energy is biomass. What is commonly referred to as "green energy" ( PVs, EVs, wind turbines, etc) is highly dependent on fossil energy and the physical infrastructure would have to be replaced every few decades. Yes, limiting energy use is critically important. A mechanism to do that equitably and in a way that provides certainty that emissions will decline (unlike carbon taxes and emissions trading schemes) is Tradable Energy Quotas. Perhaps a topic for another blog, Matt. Also, keep in mind that energy use, regardless of source, has an impact on ecosystems. The more energy we use the more ecosystem disruption we cause.

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There is a blog called "Do The Math" that you might be familiar with ... The author did a deep dive into the utter insanity of our exponential energy use a few years ago even without mentioning Jevon's paradox ...

And realistically, most of our energy use is just wasted: examples; 400 hp cars stuck in 10 mph traffic, holiday jet flights to cities just like the ones we flew from, the power required to melt the plastic and run the machines that make unnecessary packaging for consumer junk and fast fashions designed to go into landfills almost immediately, the fuel burned to ship those worthless products around the world, most military uses, etc., etc..

We could live much better lives with much less energy required, if the wastage wasn't so profitable to the rich.

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Absolutely vital information here. Propaganda from the American Petroleum Institute states: "Demand for Energy is Growing. So is the Need for Secure American Natural Gas and Oil." They reference a "secure energy future." Yet increasing our use of energy just speeds us to a dead planet. Virtually no one is calling for us to go on an energy diet (I am, in my presidential campaign). So thank you, Matt Orsagh, for these words of wisdom.

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