The data base is great. It would, however, be a big help to let folks know that to get to the index to the data base, you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. At first, I thot all I could access was the "groups".

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Thanks for the clarification, Matt, and THANK YOU, JP, for your important labor of love.

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This is legit a fantastic resource. Love that it's community supported and not paywalled. That's essentially my hope for the future of humanity 😂

Thanks for the hard work that went into the database. I'm already on a couple different pages linked through it. Good stuff.


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Extraordinary work, Matt! Thank you for doing this for us all. I love the old-fashioned card catalogue!!!! Maybe degrowth means we go back to those as we unhook ourselves from too many electronic devices???

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To be clear Iona. I did not create this database. It is mostly JP's work. He deserves the credit. I'm just spreading the word.

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