Well said, but it's far from just a divide between the global north and south. In my experience, the triage is far more brutal, slicing away anyone deemed expendable—even those in the global north.

Communities are ravaged by disaster, over and over—fire, flood, then fire again. The media pounces on the chaos, milks the trauma for a day or two, and then the victims are discarded, forgotten. They’re abandoned by a system designed to chew them up and spit them out, left to rebuild shattered lives in isolation—if they even survive the so-called 'recovery.' A lucky few scrape together the means to escape to safer ground. Most are trapped, condemned to face it all again.

Meanwhile, the privileged are too cocooned in their comfort to care. The machine that fattens the wallets of a filthy few works non-stop, numbing those inside to the catastrophe waiting just beyond their doorstep.

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Properly implemented, triage is intentional- its a careful consideration of what to focus on and what to give up. Triage is what we should be doing in terms of relinquishing our desires for things we dont need that destroy the planet. But we not applying triage - we are ignoring the damages done to other people and species, hoping it wont affect us, and denying the fact that it will. Not very adaptive.

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