While the earth’s lungs are being incinerated in the Amazon, at least we know that we will have plenty of palm oil.

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Heat, drought, storms, floods, pollinator decline, food scarcity, drinking water scarcity, wars over resources and all sorts of irritations and envy, diseases, more and more lucid moments making young people realize that having children is a crime given the future prospects...

4 billion, max.

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Also not mentioned, deaths from pandemics.

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Hiya Jasmine, if the pandemics are anything like the 'covid' one ie less deaths than every year before 2008 in England and Wales or descreasing the life expectancy by a few months in Japan- they won't make any difference at all.https://jowaller.substack.com/p/deaths-england-and-wales-2020-2022?utm_source=publication-search

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Covid is still a pandemic. H5N1 is mutating and could become person to person spread at any time. Plus Covid destroys your immune system. How many people are on their 5th/6th Covid infection? Quite a few. The brain damage being caused by Covid is causing more car accidents. Fetuses are being harmed inutero. None of this bodes well for our species. Oh, climate change deaths are also increasing. Our species needs to adapt, which too many people aren't, or we're done for 😞

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This is a load of chicken shit. There is no evidence for H5N1 mutating or not causing farmed chickens to be sick. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/h5n1-avian-flu-and-not-a-glimmer?utm_source=publication-search

When you say 'covid' how do you know what a 'covid' case is? From a PCR that was never validated? 'Covid' is causing brain damage and car accidents? May I ask if you've had it by any chance?

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You may be interested to know that there isn't any evidence that the population declined in Europe due to the 'Black death' said to have occured between 1347 and 1351 at all! There was no census between the Doomsday book and the poll tax year of 1377. No one knows how many were alive to start with. Extrapolations from vacancies in the clergy, double graves, taxes, wages and wills look very dodgy and the economy at the time shows growth and flourishing- nothing commensurate with half the population suddenly dying off in 4 years. I thing the guessed at doubling from 1100 was only done to accomodate the alleged halving of the Black death.


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Yes population collapse is good, though via reduced fertility is preferable to via increased mortality especially if the latter involves increased suffering. Abortion rights in Gaza!

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The dollar bills appear to have Pinocchio on them. This is not a good sign.

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population projections are a bit like reading tea leaves at this point in our complex societies. What we know for sure is that the earth can provide a limited about of sources and sinks and that the larger the human population the lower the average or fair per capita level of consumption is possible. Rather than trying to project population levels, nations should be having a dialogue about what balance they want between population size and per capita consumption - from largely within their own borders, and then aim for that desired population level - with education, and easily available contraception.

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Have you seen this very interesting thread? https://thescienceofsex.substack.com/p/debunking-the-fertility-crisis

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I don't think it's cost that's involved in declining fertility- I think it's improved childhood survival, materialism and enjoyment of career. The Chinese are enjoying their double income wealth.

Yes we will have to have different economics and retirements- why should fit healthy people retire and not be productive anyway- it's very boring-believe me I know.

Musk reminds me of Jordan Peterson who also would like women to go back to being baby making machines. Sorry guys we ain't going back in the kitchen.

Musk also wants us to go to Mars. Which is impossible due to human's being adapted to climatte, atmosphere, bacteria, gravity, food, seasons, tides etc etc etc. Another silly idea and waste of money.

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Because they fucking want to retire🤦‍♀️ Capitalism is literally killing us. Don't retire🤣 Da fuq is wrong with you?

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Yes capitalism is making the planet uninhabitable, keeping us fat, sick and on drugs but we'll still be able to retire as regards population size. Degrowth would involve more interesting jobs, healthier people and over 60s still being productive and engaged not drains on society.

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